
4.4 ( 1814 ratings )
Zakelijk Sociaal netwerken
Developer: Interrobang Software, LLC
0.99 USD

Find out what people are saying about your brand or any topic on twitter.

TweetViz queries for a search phrase and returns the 20 most commonly associated words, hashtags, @replies, or links. Use TweetViz to explore the social network and discover common associations with all kinds of things.

When TweetViz first opens it will present the current trending topics, either tap on of those topics or use the search bar to search for any word or phrase. TweetViz will change the visualization to reflect the most frequently associated 20 words in the last 100 tweets.

The more frequent the word, the larger and more yellow the word appears in the word cloud.

TweetViz will be updated often adding your most requested features, so email us with what youd like to see next included in TweetViz.